Isobond® P - 100

Chemical name: Diphenyl (methylenedi-4,1-phenylene)dicarbamate

CAS Number: 101-65-5

EINECS Number: 202-963-4

Material Definition

Appearance: Solid white to bright beige material

Melting Point: > 180 °C (capillary method)

NCO-content: < 0.1 % (Titration)

Residual Humidity: < 0.2 % (IR drying 80°C)

Handling, Storage and Packaging

Stable for 24 months when stored in tightly closed original packing at temperatures between + 5°C and + 35°C without any exposure to sunlight.

Regulatory Information

EU REACH registered: Yes


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  • Disclaimer / Conditions

    Revision: 2023-07-14 / 398b

    We strive to be accurate in all of our documentation. However, any information or advice is provided by us in good faith, without warranty or unlimited claim of fitness for a specific application. We sell to qualified industrial users only. The onus is on the product's user to research carefully and then to continually test the product and its application procedures within the context of its specific use. Use of our products and data requires diligance and care, and is within the sole responsibility of the user. Kautschuk-Group does not accept any liability for damages incurred. Our general Terms and Conditions apply.

    Stated storage and shelf life times are minimum guaranteed values for a period starting on the day of shipment. After this period has expired, the product requires additional quality control testing but may very well still be within specification. For more information, refer to our Shelf Life Policy.

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